Irene Bigot

Irene has studied under Janet Mentgen in the 80’s when the program was called Therapeutic Touch. She has been practicing energy medicine since then. Her education involves several degrees that focused on the Holistic Model of Care. She has always had a passion to involve spirituality in her life, relationships, and work. Irene graduated from St. John’s Queens Hospital in N.Y. as a Diploma RN. She has a Bachelors in Psychiatry from Mercy College in N.Y.; a BSN from Metropolitan State College in Denver, CO and an MS from The University of Northern Colorado. This is a dual Masters in Chronic Health Conditions and Nursing Education. She is also a Certified Spiritual Director from the Benedictine Abbey of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Pecos, NM. Irene is a member of the Healing Touch Professional Association, the Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, the American Holistic Society, the National and the Colorado School Nurses Associations. She has presented on a variety of topics at several National Conferences.
Irene is on the Teen Committee for Healing Touch and is involved with the Front Range Healing Touch Clinic and Support Group. Her nursing experience has been acquired in several different areas of focus: Oncology, Research, as a Visiting Nurse serving infants and adults, and continuing as a School Nurse Consultant (since 1985) in Boulder Valley Schools, CO. She is working with students, parents, and teachers covering a large variety of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual concerns. She has also been an instructor in the Holistic Program at Red Rocks College, CO. She wrote the curriculum on The Spiritual Role of the Care Giver and has taught the class periodically for 22 years. She is a lifelong learner. Irene has an office in Boulder, CO at the Rocky Mountain Holistic Health Center. She has personally lived with and cared for family members with chronic and mental health conditions. Her goal is to assist individuals to achieve their optimum wellness so they can fulfill their work in life. Her current focus is to work with children and their parents as well as others who are open to Healing Touch support. Irene is also in the process of working on her Healing Touch Instructor Certification. Irene expresses herself from a heart centered place with much love, delight and smiles.