Peggy Dickson

Peggy Dickson, BA, FACP, RM, CHTP, has been a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner with Healing Touch International (now Healing Beyond Borders) since 2008. My current listing can be found at Peggy has additional professional training in massage therapy, anatomy, physiology, and psychotherapy, and is a Flow Alignment Connection Practitioner, Reiki Master, and Light Body graduate. She did her undergraduate and graduate studies at San Francisco State University where she earned a BA degree in International Relations and World Business and was awarded the highly-regarded Distinguished Achievement Award for her graduate work. Peggy has a private Healing Touch practice in the northwest suburbs of Chicago focusing on seniors, chronic illness, pain management, pre- and post-surgical care, trauma release, and meditation practices. She is also a professional presenter of Healing Touch and offers introductory workshops to the public, as well as private mentoring for students and practitioners.