Jill Felts

Distance and In-Person Sessions available.
I came to health coaching and energy medicine through my own “resurrection” from a physical health crisis that started in 2008. At that time, I enjoyed a boot camp workout 4-5 days a week with friends; I walked in the 60 mile 3-Day Breast Cancer walk with my daughter; I served on two boards; and my inspirational jewelry business was growing which often had me working into the wee hours of the night. All of these things were good things. I was exercising, participating in a cause, serving and running a growing company.
And THEN… my body crashed. It was painfully freezing up. I received the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. Through my training in Energy Psychology (EFT and Healing Touch), I now understand why my body was in so much pain. And… I no longer have that diagnosis.
Oftentimes life sends us a curve ball or kicks us down the steps knocking us out of harmony with ourselves and others. I know. It happened to me. But I healed.
And you can too.
Your body is an intuitive goldmine. It wants to be heard and is always speaking to you. Weight gain, low energy, anxiety, feeling “lost,” feeling overwhelmed, chronic physical pain, relationship struggles are all symptoms of being out of harmony and balance. Pay attention. Symptoms are messengers beckoning you back into balance.
Health, balance, and happiness are the norm for all of us.
When we work together, I will honor your wholeness because I recognize our human being as an indivisible composite of Mind, Body, and Spirit who innately seeks harmony and balance.
The only thing I ask of my clients is that they dare to be stretched a bit; be fully immersed in the experience; and agree to embrace vulnerability.
We release so that we can renew.