Lynne Seibel-Whitlock



United States
3635 Mardean Drive

HTCP since 2010; HTCPI since 2016. I teach Level 1 and 2 currently.  As a registered nurse I served in the United States Navy for 24 years.  My background in nursing has been largely oncology , which is were I discovered Healing Touch.  I wanted something more for my patients then drugs and chemotherapy.  Best decision and discovery I ever made as it has changed my life and prespective completely.  I also worked as a Directory in a hospital for 17 years and then in 2019 developed my LLC, the heart of healing.   I have taken many other courses to enhance my healing over these past years but truly find Healing Touch to be the one every patient can learn and my focus in my practice is on self care for my clients.  I enjoy the client experience and teaching.  I also using tuning forks in my practice as well as teaching clients self care and meditations to help guide them in thier self care journey.  

Qualified Mentor
I charge for mentoring, I mentor individuals, I will mentor long distance, I am accepting new mentees, I mentor groups

  I have been a mentor since April 5, 2011.  I became a Qualifed Mentor in April 2020.  I have had the pleasure of mentoring multiple mentees through the process towards Healing Touch Certification.  My view is that we are a team and as such I am there to guide, coach, counsel and encourage you through the process.  It is a journey like non-other but its important to have a good relationship with each mentee and  provide the guidance needed to that individual.  As noted above I am willing to be a mentor via phone calls, zoom discussions or text messaging.  I do see mentees long distance and in person so I'm flexible .  I will give you monthly homework and my expectation is it is sent to me prior to our meeting so we can review and discuss it together.  I look forward to meeting you.



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