Donna Elftmann

Anyone listening? At times, we simply need someone who can listen to our story and help us see God. Let us talk and listen together. An empathetic listener open to discuss what is on your mind and heart. I have a burden for people who are hurting from relationship issues, ongoing health concerns, loss and grief. The pressures of society dealing with racial reconciliation can make life hard and confusing trying to find your niche.
Outdoors in nature I find my greatest connection with God. Sitting by the ocean when on vacation. Enjoying the expanse of Lake Superior and her various moods. Walking through my neighborhood taking in the seasonal changes as well as listening to the birds and greeting a friendly dog and its companion. My own small garden provides many hours of digging in the dirt and watching the various plants blooming through the summer. Sunshine and new life and color lift my spirits.
A committed life-long learner, I graduated as a spiritual director in 2014 from Christos Center for Spiritual Formation in Lino Lakes, Minnesota. Interest in energy healing led me to Healing Touch Spiritual Ministry Certified Healing Practitioner in 2019 and 2024. Certified Aromatherapist 2020, exploring the use of therapeutic Essential Oils to promote healing.
Bible study for me has changed over the years to slowly take in what God is saying as I become more intimate with His character revealed in a vital relationship. Explored cross-cultural issues through reading various authors and through discussion on the issues of racial disparity. I enjoy meeting people of other ethnicities.
Exploring my creative side, found me taking various classes in painting – Acrylic, Watercolor, Oil Pastels, and Prismacolor Pencils – what fun creating some art for my walls and making some greeting cards. Additionally, I took a Contemplative Photography class learning to wait for the photo to “speak” to me before snapping and then “listening” to what the photo wants to reveal.
Married since 1973 to Jim, my best friend and life partner. Without children of our own, God blessed us with surrogate children and grandchildren that we could nurture as well as the children of friends. We have traveled to visit these various “children of love” who call us Aunt and Uncle.
Other travel adventures included destination tours around the United States, to Prague in Europe to encourage a group of missionaries, and a quiet week of relaxation on Minnesota’s beautiful North Shore along the western side of Lake Superior. Relaxation for both includes reading novels by a variety of authors and discussing the creativity of the author’s imagination of characters and drama. Hiking the Superior Hiking Trail together feels like an adventure with God in creation.