Cynthia Hutchison
Cynthia Hutchison is the former Director of the Healing Touch Program™. In the early 1980s, she began studying natural health and energy therapies. She is an avid student of spirituality and energy medicine. As a doctorally prepared nurse from the Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. (1987), Cynthia is also knowledgeable in the mainstream health sciences. With a master’s degree as a clinical specialist in mental health, she has maintained a private practice in Healing Touch and Sacred Geometry applied to energy therapy for many years.
In 1995, Cynthia initiated the research program for Healing Touch and became the first Research Director (through 2000). She taught all levels of the HT curriculum, including Instructor Training and Advanced Practice 1 and 2. She was invited by Janet Mentgen (founder of HT) in 2003 to serve as the Assistant Program Director. Cynthia became the Program Director in May of 2005, several months before Janet’s death. She brings much positivity, enthusiasm, and creativity to her classes. Boulder, Colorado has been her home since 1993.
I do consult with HTP students, practitioners and instructors to guide them in their practice and education.