Shawna Wood Coleman

Shawna Wood Coleman


Wood Coleman
201-150 Auburn Meadows Manor SE Calgary
T3M 2S6

Introducing Shawna, a Board-Certified Healing Touch Practitioner (HTCP) and Qigong Practitioner hailing from the beautiful eastern province of Nova Scotia, Canada. With roots tracing back to Scotland, Ireland, and England, Shawna’s Eastern Canadian accent adds a unique charm to her healing sessions.

Shawna’s journey into the world of energy therapy began in 2007 when her own children inspired her to explore natural healing modalities. With their innate sensitivity and intuitive gifts mirroring her own, she delved into the study of energy medicine to provide them with holistic care.

Being certified by the Healing Touch Governing Committee as a Board Certified Healing Touch Certified Practitioner (HTCP), Shawna has met the rigorous requirements and qualifications in her field. Her expertise is further validated by holding an NCCA Accredited Credential and being associated with the Healing Touch Program (HTP), an accredited provider of continuing nursing education.

Renewing her qualifications as an Instructor’s Helper in the classroom for Levels 1 through 5, Shawna’s dedication to her craft shines through. Her professional goal is to empower individuals to activate their body’s innate self-healing abilities and foster overall health and wellness.

One of Shawna’s specialties is Distant Healing, allowing clients from all corners of the globe to experience the benefits of her healing sessions from the comfort of their own homes. Whether you seek physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, Shawna’s compassionate approach and extensive knowledge make her a trusted guide on your path to well-being.

To embark on a transformative journey of self-healing and explore the wonders of energy therapy, book an appointment with Shawna today and experience the profound effects it can have on your life. Let her nurturing touch and intuitive gifts create a harmonious balance within you.

Healing Touch Energy Therapy with Shawna

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